Operation Encompass @ John Taylor High School

The school has been an Operation Encompass school since January 2021. This is a project that runs jointly between schools and Staffordshire Police.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next day, when a child or young person has experiences, any domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a member of the school staff (Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads) known as Key Adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families who have experienced a domestic abuse incident.

The staff at John Taylor High School who have completed Operation Encompass training are:

Mrs M Bousfield- Assistant Headteacher/DSL
Mrs K Harrison- Safeguarding Officer/ DDSL
Mrs S Appleton- Senior Family Support Worker/ DDSL

We have a dedicated email address used only for Operation Encompass notifications. This email inbox is monitored by the trained staff identified above.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

To find out further information, please click on the links below:

Operation Encompass | Staffordshire Police

Operation Encompass - School Poster v3

Operation Encompass - Teacher Helpline Poster

Operation Encompass - Teacher Helpline Guidance

Operation Encompass - Letter to Parents 2020