2020-21 Covid Catch-Up Funding
During the 2020-21 academic year, the Government allocated schools funding to support all children on their return to school from lockdown. Children will have had their education disrupted in different ways and the funding is to be used by schools to ensure that all students return to school smoothly and get back on track quickly. Schools had the flexibility to use this funding in the best ways to suit their cohort and circumstances and should be able to account for how they plan to use it. In the
2021-22 Recovery Premium
This academic year has seen the catch-up funding replaced with a 'Recovery Premium' which is used to further support schools' use of the 'Pupil Premium'. Details of our use of this funding can be found on our dedicated Pupil Premium page.
Year 7 Catch-Up Premium
The DfE has previously made additional funds available for improving the attainment of students who did not
achieve the expected standard in English (Reading) or Maths in their end of Key Stage 2 tests. This
funding was known as the Year 7 Catch-Up Premium. This funding is no longer provided to schools.