JTMAT Exceptional Achievement Award
It was a privilege for Mr Blanchenot to celebrate the achievement of Milo, Tegan & Lily at the prestigious JTMAT Exceptional Achievement Award celebration this morning.
The JTMAT Exceptional Achievement Award is an initiative led by Mr Donoghue, JTMAT CEO, to showcase all the remarkable individuals that we have across all the schools within the JTMAT. Students can be nominated for; achieving ‘National or International status in any given activity’, ‘Grade 8/Diploma in music/performing’, ‘Fundraising over £5000 for charity’ and ‘Success in overcoming adversity’. Nominations can be made by parents, carers, peers or teachers and go through a rigorous selection process to ensure all criteria are met.
Read more below about our inspirational young people at JTHS who have won the Exceptional Achievement Award:
Tegan (Year 13) – Performing in televised programme/film & Overcoming Adversity: Tegan has raised awareness of Haemophilia through speaking out at conferences, assisted with providing information and personal experiences for bleeding disorder booklets for schools and participating in videos. Tegan has most recently participated in a video of her experience of living with a Bleeding Disorder the video was released on 06th April 2023. The video has been distributed worldwide and is used to raise awareness to within health, medical, educational organisations: Watch it here - Women with Bleeding disorders: A lifelong journey on Vimeo
Tegan was formally diagnosed with haemophilia C, Factor X1 deficiency when she was 5 years old. The condition is an inherited rare bleeding disorder. Like many lifelong medical conditions, it can be challenging and can have a negative impact on individuals’ daily life and in particular exclude participation in activities, events and work roles and placements. In the past there has been limited knowledge and education surrounding bleeding disorders and assumptions made around only males experience bleeding disorders. Research supports for years females have been suffering with bleeding problems and have gone undiagnosed or diagnosed after suffering a significant bleed such as through, surgical procedures, dental treatments, pregnancy and child birth.
Tegan has been a member of the Haemophilia Society from a young age and continues to support other peers diagnosed with bleeding disorders and raise awareness, knowledge and support to medical professionals and community member that females have bleeding disorder too.
Milo (Year 9) - National or International status in any given activity: Milo has been selected to be part of the England Karate team and attended the World Karate Union World Championships in Rhodes, Greece. Milo did fantastic and won all his fights in his age category getting Gold and becoming World Champion. Milo trains relentlessly about 4 times a week and shows commitment and passion when he is competing. He is very proud of his achievement!
Lily (Year 10) – Success in overcoming adversity: Lily has overcome her adversity and difficulties throughout her treatment after her diagnosis of Hodgkins Lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system. She has been brave and is a role model to everyone that knows her. Those that come to know her story in the future will also feel inspired by her story. When the family has cried she has always said something positive, she always knew that she would get through the treatment although there were plenty of testing times and further illnesses that came.
Well done to all the pupils across the MAT at today’s celebration. It was a pleasure to be surrounded by so many inspirational pupils have proven to show their remarkable resilience, compassion and hard work. This accolade was much-deserved and we hope you wear your gold pin with pride!