Weekly Information - Thursday 24th September 2020
All - PE Kit Guidance
All - Music Tuition Provision 20/21 (Amended Form)
All - Go4Schools Access
All - Go4Schools App
All - Information from Staffordshire Police
All - Parent Governor Vacancy
All - PTA Treasurer Needed
All - PTA 50/50 Club
Y7 - Flu Immunisation
Y12/Y13 - Sixth Form Virtual Work Experience and Post 18 Pathways
The guidance below was shared earlier in the term and was also covered by PE staff in the student's first PE lessons of term. Students were also told about any specialist PE kit (studded footwear/shin pads) they will need for subsequent lessons and if their lesson is indoor or outdoor.
We would just like to ask for your support with the following points which have been raised as issues:
1. Students must ONLY wear John Taylor branded PE kit to school. The wearing of casual, branded sweatshirts or hoodies is not permitted. JTHS rugby shirts (boys) and zip tops (girls) are available if required for warmth. Students should wear a school coat if the weather requires it.
2. Students are able to wear plain black jogging bottoms over their shorts or skorts.
3. It is noticeable that many girls are wearing skorts to school which are not of a suitable length. This is not appropriate for general classroom wear. Could you please check this and either purchase a new skort or ensure that your daughter wears jogging bottoms or leggings before and/or after their PE lesson.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Full guidance:
- Students will come to school in their PE kit on the days they have PE.
- PE have a wet weather contingency which aims to keep students as dry as possible. However, as weather can be unpredictable there may be occasions students get very wet on their way inside, particularly if their lesson is on the back of the field or courts.
- Students have been advised to wear plain black tracksuit bottoms over shorts/skort and JTHS midlayers (rugby top/half zip jumper) over their PE short sleeve tops, so in the event they do get wet they will have something full length they can change into to keep them warm and dry for the remainder of the school day.
- We have asked them to wear plain black tracksuit bottoms over their shorts/skort so they can keep warm before their PE lesson around school site. This is also to limit the time spent in changing rooms to maximise social distancing as when they take off their tracksuit bottoms they already have PE attire on underneath and so can exit quickly.
- When wearing skorts to school, students can wear plain black leggings underneath to keep them warm throughout the day and continue to wear this in their PE lesson as they are not able to be removed quickly. On particularly cold days, pupils may choose to wear leggings under a skort with tracksuit bottoms on top - this is personal preference.
- Students can also bring a spare JTHS PE kit to school to change into on the rare occasion they are too wet to be comfortable for the remainder of the day.
- We are aware some children do not have access to spare kit and therefore the alternative to this is to bring JTHS school uniform with them.
- Students can choose whether to bring spare JTHS kit along with them OR JTHS uniform in the event they do get wet.
- Students who will be using boots for their PE lessons (they will be told this in their first PE lesson) should come into school wearing trainers and bring boots along with them for them to change into for their lesson.
If your child would like to receive music tuition, please complete the following expression of interest form.
NB: This is an updated form. If you have already completed the previous form, you do not need to complete another one.
Any queries, please email [email protected].
Music Tuition Expression of Interest
Best regards
Music Dept
Go 4 Schools is our online portal where you can access to all information about your child. This includes assessment results, timetables, attendance, behaviour and homework. It is also where you access termly progress reports. Information about how to access this system can be found in the attached document.
A reminder that we are now able to offer the Go4Schools app which should make use of the system far easier. At present you can see information regarding student timetable, attainment, attendance, behaviour and homework.
For more information, including how to download the app, please access the parent guide on the Go4Schools website:
Please see attached an information flyer from the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team with information about how the Police can be contacted.
Dear Parents/Carers
We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor - please see the attached information.
Mrs K Cochrane
Head of School.
The PTA are looking to appoint a new treasurer. If you would be able to give your time, or would like more information, please contact Emma Thompson at [email protected].
Dear Parents/Carers
Please see the attached letter regarding 50/50 Club.
The PTA.
All Year 7 parents/carers should have received an email regarding flu immunisation. Please give consent via the link in the letter before 30th September if you wish for your child to be given the immunisation. Thank you.
Virtual Work Experience: October 26th -28th (Half Term) Book now!
Many work experience places this summer got cancelled due to Covid-19 so we wanted to make sure our students are able to get an opportunity to engage with some huge bands, learn new things and begin to build their own professional network for when they enter into the workplace.
The company called Young Professionals have organised a 3 day virtual work experience opportunity during October half term. I urge you to encourage your son/daughter to engage with this opportunity and register using the link below.
Key Details:
- October Half Term 26th - 28th
- 9am - 4pm each day (times may vary)
- Open to all Y12 and Y13 students
- Specifically for students looking to get into Technology, Business, Accounting & Finance
- Online webinars and workshops with group exercises + prizes to stand out students
- Digital log books will be sent out for them to complete during their experience
- All sessions will be taking place on Zoom (so a laptop, tablet or phone will be needed)
This work experience program is FREE and places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis (ONLY 300 PLACES).
To book on, students will need to register their interest following the below link.
On line event with Ernst & Young on 16th September, 4pm - 5pm for all Y12 and Y13 students.
EY Webinar Details:
- £40 billion accountancy and professional services firm
- Fast Track offers for all attendees on the webinar when you select Young Professionals on your application under the partnerships tab!
- Y12 paid Summer 2021 Work Experience / Y13 Degree Apprenticeship Opportunities
- Bring your parents along too so they can find out what it could be like for you working in one of the biggest companies in the world!
- Starting salaries for apprentices are in the region of £20,000
Please follow the link to book on and confirm your spot!
Get into Accounting with PwC:
- 29th September, 4pm - 5pm
- Careers in Accounting (workshops, Q&A + an overview of PwC opportunities)
- What it's like working for a Big 4 firm
- Parents and guardians are also welcome to join
- https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/H2C65G8
Get into Technology with PwC:
- 30th September, 4pm - 5pm
- Careers in Technology (workshops, Q&A + an overview of PwC opportunities)
- Cyber security, AI, robotics and all things tech!
- What it's like working for a Big 4 firm
- Parents and guardians are also welcome to join
- https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HJJSDMV
Meet the Russell Group Universities
If you want to apply to a Russell Group University or just find out more about them, then please sign up to the following event by visiting https://russellgroup.vfairs.com/en/. Parents can sign up too.
This online event will take place on Wednesday 7 October, 12pm to 6pm. Attendees will be able to explore all 24 Russell Group Universities, download documents, chat directly with our admissions staff and student ambassadors to help inform choosing courses and places.
Students will also be able to take part in live webinars, covering topics such as ‘What is the Russell Group’, ‘Applying to University’, and ‘Access, Bursaries’ and ‘Wellbeing at Russell Group Universities.’
UK University & Apprenticeship Search Virtual Fair
Under normal circumstances we would normally by heading off to Edgbaston Cricket ground to take Year 12 to a University and Apprenticeship fair in October. However, this year, this will be virtual. Please visit https://www.ukuniversitysearch.com/ To book a place on the virtual fair either on the 14th October and the 21st October. The events run from 12.00pm to 6.pm on each day. You will need to book as soon as possible in case places are limited.